Friday 28 October 2016

Real life bank robberies.

Hearing of the recent ordeal Kim Kardashian suffered,it should never be enjoyed.I hope those scumbags get caught , and Kim makes a full recovery.

However , I do have to admit,I do keep checking for any scenes that show any pretty girls being bound and gagged in a real life bank robbery.

I think this picture is from a German TV show,but I wasn't sure if it was a reconstruction of a real life robbery,or part of a fictional,crime show.

In any event,the girl is gorgeous.She has an impressive chest,and she's been bound and gagged tightly.

1 comment:

  1. Kim Kardashian was famous/notorious for throwing parties in which ALL the women guests wore PYJAMAS!:
    LOVE it when women wear women's version (reverse-buttoned)
    of men's pyjamas (button-front/matching tops and bottoms)!
    To ME pyjamas are the "uniform of the bed-chamber"!
    And are VERY INTIMATE as they are "never" (except in HER
    case!) worn OUTSIDE!
    I, too, am GLAD she was NOT harmed, but DO "fantasize" that she WAS "pyjamaed" at-the-TIME!
