Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Deadly Weapon by erikson.

I'm going to post a few versions of a commissioned comic style pages, all done for me by different artists.

My favourite one is by an American artist,who called himself erikson.

This is the very first page I asked him for, and I was extremely elated to see the final result.

His work is fantastic,and I love it to bits.
I had three more pages done for me by him,and was looking forward to doing to asking him for me.

Unfortunately, he suffered a personal tragedy, and he disappeared to this day.
He said he would return, and I hope he does. It was a project I had really hoped he would complete.

Sadly, he still hasn't returned.

So,I've been asking around other artists to do it for me,and I'll post their work here later.

The story is different, as some other artists won't do adult content, so be warned.

Monday 28 March 2016

My comments on YouTube.

I like watching a lot of videos on YouTube, and sometimes, I like to comment on them.

I'm very angry though, when certain individuals reply back with insulting comments back at me.

Cyber bullying is still dominated on the Internet. I'm completely baffled at these people, especially when I haven't done anything nasty or horrible to them.

Oh well, what goes around, comes around.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Batman V Superman.

I have to admit, I wasn't happy about this film.

Being a huge Batman and Superman fan,I couldn't believe somebody dreamed up this idea,of these two characters squaring up to each other.

These two should never,EVER be enemies.Granted,the bad guys have a lot to do with it, and there's a lot of hatred directed at Superman for the enormous loss of life,when he's battling General Zod, as the baddies attempt to turn the Earth into New Krypton.

Got to admit, I didn't like the people being killed in the film,and I think they're going to use that to alienate Superman.

Of course, it wasn't Superman's fault. It was Zod's,who was a murderous sociopath. I also can't believe Batman is going along with the anti-Superman feeling. I thought he'd be much more smarter than that.


Still,I have a feeling the Wonder Woman character,manages to get things back on track,and I'm looking forward to the action scenes.

It's just a shame they dreamed something like this up.Whilst it's intriguing, I didn't agree with it.

Catherine Bell bound and gagged in her JAG uniform.

An artist's impression for me,as I asked him to do the very pretty actress Catherine Bell in her JAG uniform.

I wasn't really a fan of the JAG show,and I was very disappointed a very pretty actress in a military uniform, not getting bound and gagged in it.

So,I asked this highly skilled artist from Thailand did this commission for me.

It's definitely one of my favourites, but the scriptwriters should have put more scenes in for Catherine's character:Lt Col,Sarah Griffiths, to be bound and gagged.

Sadly,there was only one scene for her,and it wasn't in her uniform.