Sunday 30 April 2017

At last! A scene for Maggie Q!

At long, long last, there is a full damsel in distress scene for the very beautiful actress:Maggie Q.

A bit disappointing for me personally, as I'm not really a fan of damsels with their hands tied in front of them.

However, her tape gag is nice, and she's wearing a shirt.

The scene is from a show called:Designated Survivor,where some kind soul put it up on Brian's Page.

It could have been a bit more better for my taste, but it's still good to see.

I sincerely hope Maggie gets more scenes like this.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Kong:Skull Island damsels.

I have to admit that I'm not really a fan of the King Kong films. I don't really intend to watch this latest version called;Kong:Skull Island.

I liked the two pretty actresses performing in it.They're Jian Ting and Brie Larson.

Unfortunately, there's no damsels in distress scenes for them, which greatly irritated me.My blood was boiling also, when I read other people's opinions, that they were pleased to see no such scenes.

They're entitled to their opinion, but I'm also entitled to mine. They don't need to force their own views on us, that do enjoy the damsels bound and gagged.

A much deserved, two fingered salute to those, and the idiot writers who didn't put any scenes like this in the film.

Still, I deeply appreciated what one of my favourite bondage artists:Geekling, who did this picture for me.

He passed with flying colours once more.:)

Sunday 23 April 2017

The Documentary,by Golavus.

A requested story written for me,by Golavus,a highly talented,damsel in distress writer.


'Oh,look over there,Louise.It's a group of Capybara!' Naomi exclaimed,pointing at the group of oversized rodents in the clearing,deep in the Amazon.

'That's excellent,get the camera rolling!'Louise told her camerawoman,as she took up a position directly in front of the animals.She re-adjusted her,long dark hair and wiped off as much dirt from her trekking gear,consisting of a light brown shirt,matching shorts and strong hiking boots as possible,before she started to speak to the camera held by Naomi,who wore an almost identical outfit with her own dark hair cut to reach her shoulders.

'Here,we see the largest rodents living on Earth today,'Louise spoke to the camera.'The Capybara are closely related to the Guinea Pig,and can be found all over the Amazon Rainforest.'

Out of shot,the girls chaperone:David rested against the nearest tree,and let out a yawn.He'd been trekking this jungle for many years,guiding and protecting tourists from its many perils,so the sight of these massive rodents wasn't a great surprise to him.He was a man of action and adventure,so looking after these two young ladies as they filmed for their nature documentary,wasn't the most thrilling of pursuits.

Still,it was nice to have some female company for once,and the good looking duo made a nice change from the usual,overweight tourists from abroad that he usually babysat.

'Now the Capybara are timid creatures,'Louise spoke softly to the camera,'so we have to very quiet.Otherwise,they will scatter and-'

Suddenly,there was the sound of a massive roar overhead,causing the Capybara to scatter.

Louise,Naomi and David had instantly looked up to the sky,and much to their astonishment,a flying saucer had materialised out of nowhere.

It then hovered directly above their heads,panels glowing in a myriad of different colours,and a bright white light shining in the centre.

'What in the name of...'Louise yelled over the din,being caused by the powerful hyperdrive.

'Louise,Naomi,get back!'David yelled too,running to pull them away.However,before he could reach them,a bright,white flash shot out from the spaceship,filling their vision.This had the effect of overwhelming tiredness,and Louise,Naomi and David fell to the ground in a deep sleep.

To be continued...

Tuesday 18 April 2017


Well,my home footy team:Newcastle United,failed to deliver once more,getting beat 3-1 at Ipswich.

As a consequence,they're not promoted back to the Premier League just yet,although they could have been earlier-if they'd won their earlier games.

Sadly,it was not to be.I've actually watched Newcastle's matches in the Championship League(the old Division 2)and I haven't been really impressed.

At the moment,they might be a really good championship side,and deserve to be up there,on the brink of promotion.

However,from what I've seen,Newcastle will be,very,VERY lucky to stay in the Premiership,if they get there that is..

I hope Rafa can build that squad up,as it vastly needs improving.

Still,loyal to the end,the bitter end..

Pretty Royal Navy officer held for sale,by Alazar.

Another great image done for me by Alazar.He's brilliant.

Sunday 16 April 2017

The Sanna Menace:Second version,by Ethan Young.

Well,here's the second version that I asked Ethan to do for me.

This time,I asked him to draw me battling one of the humanoids,whilst the girl is held hostage.

Yes,I'm the hero,and I certainly rescue plenty of pretty girls in distress-all bound and gagged of course!

Full marks to Ethan once more.This is another,brilliant piece he did for me.

Both images will be coloured,and I'll post them up when that's been done.

The Sanna Menace,by Ethan Young.First version.

I must admit it's been a while,since I last asked one of my favourite artists:Ethan Young from New York.

I'm slowly getting my enthusiasm back,to write my Sci-fi story,which I've called:The Sanna Menace.

I had wrote a great deal on this,and I published it on my second

Unfortunately,my enthusiasm for it waned,but it never left me,so it gradually came back to me.

I can't really write any more stories on my blog there,so I created this one to have another bash at it.

Ethan certainly did a great job here for me,as I asked him to draw a pretty girl held hostage by a menacing humanoid,who I've called the Sanna:Ruthless warlike humanoids,who have invaded the Earth,and want to conquer it.

They especially have a strong,sexual appetite to ravish,highly attractive Earth females,for their own breeding purposes.

I have a second version of the cover for the story,and will post that next.