Saturday 18 June 2016

I had to laugh.

Quite some time ago, I was browsing around the Internet, looking for a site with authors doing damsel in distress stories.

I was quite lucky to find a couple of nice people, who very generously wrote several stories for me.

Sometimes, I had to pay, but I did get more than one done for me,and they were all very well written.

On one site however, I ran into someone hostile, and who acted like a complete jerk.

At the time, I filled myself with hate, when I read what he said about me, just because I said I didn't like certain things I was reading on that site.Whoever it was, they were a nasty piece of work.

Still, I calmed down eventually, just thinking to myself:"What a ####!"

Granted, we all like different things, and I have no problem with that.
What I don't like,is some arsehole sneering down at me,thinking their opinion is the only one that matters.

Whoever you are:Go f--k yourself!